Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Invitation To Connect

Today I had lunch with a former colleague who found me on LinkedIn. I remembered her fondly and was happy to accept her invitation to connect as well as to exchange current contact information. She invited me to lunch and we agreed upon a date.
Funny, upon receipt of her initial invitation, I had that feeling inside my soul that this connection, or reconnection was not only in my best interest, but was right.

After going to the wrong restaurant, there are two of them here, I arrived at the restaurant and we greeted one another as if we'd just seen each other last month, and not a year and half ago. My soul spoke: "She is good and this is right".
Over chicken salad and corn bread with my favorite, peach lemonade, we casually caught up with one another. Chatting about the economy and unemployment (they are a tag team), families, kids and motherhood, we shared laughs and inspiration. We talked of our former employer and that brought about an eruption of laughter, entertainment careers provide some of the best narrative and it's all true!

She was genuinely interested in hearing about me since my being laid off, expressed her utter surprise and disappointment upon learning the news and confirmed her good will towards me.
As our conversation continued, we both spoke of an opportunity that would allow for the use of my experience, knowledge and relationships as well as include some others who might be happy to share their expertise in building this project. My spirit spoke: "This is another opportunity...this is right".

As we were waiting for the check she said: "You have to be involved in making this happen. You are the inspiration for it."

Driving to my next meeting, I had one thought and I share it here: Don't ignore that "Invitation To Connect", you don't know what's on the other side of it.

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